Our H2 Tech's Benefits

"H2 tech" benefits in energy transition

The role of "H2 tech", in the energy transition
"H2 tech" not only emphasizes the unique properties of hydrogen, but also makes it the most powerful and effective means for energy transfer with advantages for both the energy system and the final applications.
  1. Enable large-scale, efficient renewable energy integration
In the New Policies Scenario, global energy needs rise more slowly than in the past but still expand by 30% between today and 2040. This is the equivalent of adding another China and India to today’s global demand (Figure 9).

Through "H2 tech", during a poorly matched demand for power supply (either during the day or between seasons) or for consumers remote from the grid, also for the increasing share of intermittent sources to target levels of different power volume, and adequate storage solutions, is the most efficient and affordable method of supplying continuous electrical power.
Electricity is the rising force among worldwide end-uses of energy, making up 40% of the rise in final consumption to 2040 – the same share of growth that oil took for the last twenty-five years (Figure 10).

Universal access to electricity remains elusive, and scaling up access to clean cooking facilities is even more challenging (Figure 11).

Depending on demand, "H2 tech" can be deployed in small, medium and large scale and can be accessed anywhere, regardless of proximity to electricity and water supply.
The "H2 tech" is not dependent on the consumption of excess electricity, it can itself be used to provide backup power during a power shortage or can be used in other sectors, such as transport, industry or residential premises, both on-site production and on-site delivery demand, depending on the power consumption or hydrogen demand.
"H2 tech" reveals the most positive potential of valorization, in the scenario, for reducing emissions, when as About 84% of current CO2 emissions are related to energy, and about 65% of all greenhouse gas emissions can be attributed to energy supply and use of energy.
The energy sector needs significant investment to make progress in reducing emissions. The BLUE Map scenario requires an investment of US $ 32.8 trillion (40% more than $ 23.5 trillion, which is necessary in the baseline scenario), with about 16 trillion sent to new power plants. "H2 tech" has the potential to reduce these costs by an average of 5 times, gradually increasing energy production, from small volumes to the required demand in the market, from hydrogen storage for crisis seasonal consumption, passing into low-power (2.5, 5 MW) , medium-power (16; 35 MW) and high-power (45; 100 MW) hydrogen power plants for regional consumption.
2. Distribute energy across sectors and regions.
​In addition to the fact that hydrogen and its compounds have high energy density and are easily transported, the main achievement of "H2 tech" is the low cost of hydrogen, which many times makes it attractive and competitive for transportation to the destination, where they will (re) distribute energy efficient and flexible.
3. Act as a buffer to increase system resilience.
​With the change in demand for energy, efficient hydrogen as a "H2 tech" product, its high energy density, long storage capacity and variable use make it the most suitable for use as an energy buffer and strategic reserve.
4.​ Decarbonize transport.
Despite their recent flattening, global energy-related CO2 emissions increase slightly to 2040 in the New Policies Scenario. This outcome is far from enough to avoid severe impacts of climate change (Figure 12).

With the growth of the "H2 tech" technology, and therefore, with readily available and competitive hydrogen as fuel in the market, fuel cell vehicles (FCEV and HICE) will play an important role in the decarbonization of transport.
​At start "H2 tech" and the FCEV infrastructure, one can rely on the existing distribution and retail infrastructure for gasoline, create cost advantages and save local jobs and capital assets, as hydrogen demand increases, hydrogen stations will smoothly take the place of existing gas stations.
​"H2 tech" will appear in all sectors. There will be especially important in the decarbonization of passenger cars (for example, from medium to large cars, fleets and taxis), heavy-duty transport, buses and trains, in the future, when using synthetic fuels produced from hydrogen in shipping and aviation.​ (See Breakdown of carbon emissions by mode of transport (Figure 13).

With "H2 tech" for cars, the total cost of ownership (TCO) for FCEVs will be lower than for cars with an internal combustion engine (ICE), also the travel cost (the price of hydrogen per kilometer). For medium and large passenger cars, and selected fleets and buses will achieve parity of value together, since the deployment of the "H2 tech" infrastructure is simpler and cheaper.
​With the help of "H2 tech", the current share of the FCEVs car and bus market will grow all over the world, due to the growing efficiency of hydrogen technology.
5. Decarbonize industry energy use.
By burning hydrogen in the burners and using fuel cells, the "H2 tech" is able to efficiently provide industrial processes, and thus reduce 20% of global emissions.
The industry can use a "H2 tech"  hydrogen burners and fuel cells to meet its heat needs with low and high heat levels, and deployment will depend on the type of demand - burners or fuel cells.
6. Serve as feedstock using captured carbon.
Chemistry based on "H2 tech" hydrogen will serve as a carbon sink and supplement or decarbonize parts of the petrochemical chain.
7. Help decarbonize building heating.
"H2 tech" is suitable for heating and hot water supply. Globally, the technology will take part in reducing 12% of global emissions, and will be part of the portfolio of decarbonization solutions for building heating.

"H2 tech"  is overcoming the existing barriers and  fully unlocks the hydrogen potential
In the case of using "H2 tech", long-term benefits from hydrogen are already more than convincing and surmountable, for a smooth energy transition, in the coming years, realizing from the commercialization of products along the chain, in all sectors.
There are no more obstacles to financial gain, from the use of hydrogen in the energy transition. On the contrary, all mechanisms appeared to share long-term initial large-scale investments, coordination between interested parties, and a fair economic regime, for the development of "H2 tech", responding to all technological standards appeared.
Investing in hydrogen no longer requires a long horizon. Investments in infrastructure will be necessary as consumer demand increases. Demanding clear and mandatory targets for emission reductions will give even more incentive to potential investors to develop the entire chain without taking long-term risk. Governments and industrial companies will receive a short-term "road map" for the rapid development of the "hydrogen society". 
The Sustainable Development Scenario offers an integrated way to achieve a range of energy-related goals crucial for sustainable economic development: climate stabilization, cleaner air and universal access to modern energy, while also reducing energy security risks.  This scenario starts from a set of desired outcomes and considers what would be necessary to deliver them. Central to these outcomes is the achievement of an early peak in CO2 emissions and a subsequent rapid decline, consistent with the Paris Agreement (Figure 14).

In "H2 tech",  case, mobility applications require coordination of efforts only to match (FCEV, ICE) the market, with the deployment infrastructure (stations) and the growing demand for hydrogen. Despite such great steps in progress, the full adoption of hydrogen requires similar coordinated initiatives throughout the world.
"H2 tech", also benefited from clear regulatory guidance on preferential financial incentives, such as food tariffs and Renewable Mandatory Certificates (ROCs) for renewable energy sources in combination with penetration targets, for example, by EU member countries. Now these advantages have become a complex way for the effective integration of hydrogen.
While the cost and performance of the fuel cells have improved in recent years (cost of fuel cells has fallen by more than 50%), "H2 tech" efficient hydrogen fully reflects the full potential. To promote the energy transition, coordinated regional and industry standards for fuel cells and hydrogen are needed, which will allow achieving the scale effect of smooth implementation in production without irritating the energy market.

List of abbreviations 

FCEV                                                         Fuel cell electric vehicle
HICE                                   Hydrogen  Internal combustion engine
ICE                                                       Internal combustion engine
MW                                                                                   Megawatt
ROC                                            Renewable Obligation Certificate
TCO                                                                Total cost ownership


Business Plan - 2019  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jzXppHC1L8Vlc0bL8qyfSnQA-hW2uuI_

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