Our H2tech

"Hydrogen Technology" LLC

Device for Hydrogen Generation by Cavitation Electrolysis

(PATENT - http://www.google.com/patents/WO2014064470A1?cl=en

The present "H2tech" invention relates to cavitation-electrolysis hydrogen generator. According to the cavitation-electrolysis hydrogen generator of the present invention, there are advantages in that the efficiency of hydrogen generation can be improved by energy effective combination of cavitation and electrolysis and hydrogen production costs also is remarkably reduced due to device cheap materials construction.
Only completely clean technology of hydrogen production is electrolysis, but today its high energy consumption rate is a barrier for its commercialization. We, "H2tech", propose solving exactly this problem in this invention with absolutely new cavitation-electrolysis method, which not only significantly decreases the energy consumption but also reduces cost of device.
Our, "H2tech", completely new type cavitation-electrolysis method unites the strong sides of these technologies and doesn't include their weak points. For example, in the cavitation bubble very high temperatures and high pressures are located. Therefore we need not high pressure proof containers because high pressure is located in the cavitation bubble. As a result the cost of technology significantly decreases the high pressure proof containers are costly technology. In the given, "H2tech" technology for reaching high temperatures providing of additional heat is not required. As a result, "H2tech", have also significant increase in energy efficiency.
In widely-spread electrolyzers chemically very active catalysts are used, therefore electrodes are required to be covered by rare substances (for example platinum), which also makes this technology more expensive compared to our, "H2tech"method, which has no such requirements.

Really we, "H2tech", have a new method of hydrogen production and a device, which by its main characteristics is cavitation physical-chemical reactor - electrolysis cell.
In presented, "H2tech" invention also effectively is used nonlinear electrolysis method, as a result efficiency of device increased compare to prototype. What about Meyer's nonlinear etecrolysis device, improved method of which is used in this invention, it without modification has production rate restriction. This problem is overcome in given "H2tech"invention.
Given method differs from existed electrolysis technologies mainly with using of cavitation. Cavitation phenomenon is interesting by itself with diversity, contraadictive and amazing discoveries.
In our, "H2tech" technology, hydrodynamic turbulent cavitator is used, which different from sonochemistry and allows to treat huge mass of water and can obtain significant amount of hydrogen.

One of the objectives of invention is development of turbulent cavitation theoretical model by mathematical modeling. Another objective of project is theoretical investigation of hydrogen bonding in water and experimental investigation of its effects on water macro properties. We think that hydrogen bonding and cluster formation in water affects electrolysis efficiency.
Developed during cavitation phenomenon can be considered as plasma. It is also known that plasma chemical methods of hydrogen production are one of the most energy effective. Plasma chemical processes which are obtained by non uniform plasma high frequency treatment of water are very energy effective.
In our"H2tech" device cavitation and electrolysis in other words plasma-chemical and electrochemical effective combination is used and achieved maximal energy efficiency.
Expected result of invention is development of completely new cheap hydrogen technology by cavitation electrolysis method. Obtained by "H2tech" technology electrolyser will be 10 times cheaper of existed prototypes. The energy efficiency also will significantly increase.

Really we"H2tech", have a new hydrogen production method and device, which by its main characteristics is cavitations physical-chemical reactor-electrolysis cell. We, "H2tech" developed absolutely new approach for electrolysis: cavitations electrolysis method. Our approach is based on the investigation of fundamental properties of water, investigation of hydrogen bonding in water and its effects on water properties, investigation of cavitations effects on water fundamental properties and its usage for electrolysis.

Video of the demonstration model of the effectiveness of our achievement is provided. 

BUSINESS PLAN - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jzXppHC1L8Vlc0bL8qyfSnQA-hW2uuI_

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