Tuesday 12 April 2022

China accelerates FCV development - Gasgoo

China accelerates FCV development - Gasgoo

According to the FCV plan of the Yangtze River Delta (YRD), the region plans to build more than 40 hydrogen filling stations by 2021, 200 by 2025 and 500 by 2030. The FCV parc is set to reach 5,000 units by 2021, 50,000 units by 2025 and 200,000 units by 2030 in the area.  

Shanghai, the core city in the YRD FCV plan, intends to operate 20,000 hydrogen FCVs and construct 50 refueling stations by 2025, while Wuhan, proposes to make 30-100 stations and have 10,000-30,000 hydrogen FCVs operated by 2025. By 2020, the capital of Hubei province sets out to build 5-20 stations and see demonstration operation of 2,000-3,000 FCVs. At present, the two cities target most FCV population.

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