Tuesday 12 April 2022

What does the decade hold for hydrogen in Australia? | Energetics

What does the decade hold for hydrogen in Australia? | Energetics

The National Hydrogen Strategy: a staged approach to creating a market post-2025

With the release of the Strategy in November 2019, and the subsequent endorsement by energy ministers, we have an adaptive pathway to 2030 intended to position Australia as a global leader in hydrogen markets. A staged approach is described which is comprised of ‘foundations and demonstrations to 2025’ and ‘large-scale market activation’ (post 2025), through which the Government is hoping to achieve supply chain efficiency and scale to build a domestic market as well as establishing Australia as an export powerhouse.

The Strategy’s vision to 2030 is underpinned by up to $370 million in reserved funding from the existing allocations from the CEFC and ARENA for new hydrogen projects.

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