Saturday 18 June 2022

Saga Pure ASA: Acquires Hyon and partners with Nel and Norwegian Hydrogen - Saga Pure ASA

Saga Pure ASA: Acquires Hyon and partners with Nel and Norwegian Hydrogen - Saga Pure ASA

“Sustainability is at the top of the agenda within the maritime sector, and hydrogen will play an important role in the future, maritime fuel mix. An entirely new value chain needs to be developed, and a key part of that is transferring hydrogen from the harbors to the vessels. Hyon is currently developing solutions for production and fueling of hydrogen ships and we look forward to be an active part of the further development of these solutions,” says Bjørn Simonsen, CEO of Saga Pure. “There is a strong demand for green hydrogen in the near future, and we are developing a robust infrastructure for both heavy road transport and maritime sector. Joining a group of strong partners in bringing Hyon forward as a key solution- and technology provider makes a lot of sense to us,” says Jens Berge, CEO of Norwegian Hydrogen AS.

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